It is less than a month till school starts, have you gotten your school shopping done? If you have you might have missed a few things. I have a few items that I think you should consider.
Just a few of my faves on etsy! check them out-
Keep them organized at school too,
send these locker magnets to keep notes from home up.
I love the idea of reusable...
..saving money is a great idea right?
With these you can do it with style
Send a little friend along to school with them!
Accessories a girls best friend, right?
My girls would love a bag like this!
Backpacks are soo last century!
...and last but not least, we need order right?
So run on over and get yourself all prepared for the mayhem of back to school!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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Great finds! I can't believe the summer is flaying by so fast.. I just saw my first back-2-school commercial on TV yesterday.
Thank you so much for including my shop on your post.
those robot buttons are adorable! Do you sell those on your shop?
vintage Girl, I do not, it you click on it it will take you to the shop that sell it! :) it is PaperPumpkin that sells them.
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